Saturday, February 16, 2013

Music To My Ears

I’m a total sucker for pump-up songs. It’s so ridiculous.

Usually, my music taste is pretty legitimate. As in Nickelback never entered into my top 100. Sorry, Nickelback fans.

But give me a song with lyrics that make me want do something idiotic, and I am ALL over that. 

Workout song? Remember the Name - Fort Minor. You try NOT running the extra mile with that one. Oxygen deprivation is for losers.

And when I’m wigging out about something? Don’t You Worry Child - Swedish House Mafia. That song snaps you right outta that funk and gets you ready to like…conquer the world without even putting pants on.

Typical wake-up song? Cobrastyle - Teddybears. My style is the bomb-da-da-bomb-da-dang-di-dang-diggy-diggy.

Going out song? Anything that says words like “shake yo booty” a lot.
I was joshing you on the last one. Kind of.

And now I’ve been listening to Hall of Fame by The Script pretty much every morning before school. Not for the sole and marginally embarrassing reason that I feel as though I will be entering the Hall of Fame of Badassness fairly soon (Come on. Let’s be honest.), but because at 6:00 in the morning, when instant coffee isn’t doing it for me, dancing around my little dark, muggy house to the words “you could be a champion” being sung at me over and over again really gets me in the teaching mood. Yeah, buddy. I’m about to mold some little babies’ minds.

I know. I’m out of control.

Except most of my “little babies” are like 15 to 21 years old. So, the mind molding doesn’t usually go as well as intended.

I am shorter than the majority of my students. And we already know that they can run faster than me. Also, they have the ability to talk about me, right in front of my face, without me knowing (for those of you that are confused, it’s because they are speaking a foreign language). It’s a handy skill for them. So, what does this mean? I have developed the teacher stare extra quickly. Those of you who knew me in college can probably guess that this face isn’t much of a stretch for me.

What does the teacher stare have to do with pump-up songs? Absolutely nothing, but I’m not very good with coherent thought progression at 6:45 in the morning.

And yes, I am listening to Hall of Fame right now. For the 19th time this year. And it’s electrifying.


  1. here's a weird thing... I seeded Pandora with Hall of Fame, and in the 5 songs it has played so far, I've gotten Remember the Name and Don't You Worry Child. No Cobrastyle yet though...

  2. um. And now it has given me Eye of the Tiger. So.
