Sunday, February 10, 2013


This week at Orotjitombo PS is the inter-house athletic competition. I’m not sure what that entails exactly, but it requires that the learners and teachers train after school everyday. Basically that means everyone runs around willy nilly in the sand until someone can think of a more organized exercise to do.

Training kicked my butt. Not because I am that out of shape, (although, you know, let’s not go there) but because I made the mistake of participating in the beginning.

“Yay, fun, running! I’m a fun teacher! Let’s all get involved!”

You bet your bottom I got people involved. So well in fact that it resulted in what felt like EVERY LEARNER wanting to race me across the field. And I did. Because I’m a pushover. And let me tell you something. Their little gangly legs beat me 75% of the time. And then 100% of the time after the 10th go. And afterwards I looked like Pigpen.

I did, however, succeed in doing 10 times more pushups than anyone else, including the 18 year old boys. It provides a little comfort.

Anyway, to change tunes, this weekend I’m going back to Epupa Falls (which is gorgeous. Look on my facebook profile for photos.) with some of the other volunteers that are living in the Oshikati area. Not like “the Oshikati area” means anything to those of you back home, but I think you’ll survive if I don’t show you a map.

Needless to say, I’m so unbelievably excited to go swimming. I have never loved water so much in my life. Except for the water at school. Bad water. Or naughty water, as they would say here. I have been physically ill many a time because of that business.

But pools, pools I can do. 

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