Sunday, January 27, 2013

Kids Say Things Sometimes

            …and I’m not sure how to respond.

1. I was walking to the tree where I occasionally get cell reception, when I heard what appeared to be the word “Fat” called out to me. Perhaps I was mistaken. I went over to the two boys who were beckoning me over. They were a few of my learners, so I asked them how their day was. They responded by handing me 2 bags of cheese doodles. Ok, maybe they had said fat. “Oh, thank you!” I said, trying not to look perplexed, “Would you like some?” They responded, “No, no! For you because you are beautiful. Our teacher.” I awkwardly thanked them again, as a nearby girl was practically guffawing with laughter, and continued on my way.
What just happened? I will never know. But I’m not about to turn down cheese doodles.

2. In class today, I asked my 6th grade English learners to write down something they wanted to learn in English class. For instance, slang words, things about the U.S., how to write a letter, etc. Most of the answers I received were about wanting to do more reading and writing. A few, however, were too cute not to share.
In answer to list one thing you want to learn in English class this year:
“A doctor.” (Not sure what was meant by this.)
“I want the cattle.” (This one, either.)
“I like my teacher Miss May because she is speaking nice English for me!!! Good luck Miss May!!!” (Well, shucks.)
“Miss can I have the pen.” (This one was paired with a very inquisitive stare as I collected her paper.)

Also, I have accidentally trained some first graders to ask for candy (but politely, I might add) every time they pop their little heads through my back window. Like gophers. I did not intend for that to happen.

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