Thursday, October 3, 2013

Where My Choir Directing Career Begins...

...and ends.

Today in Grade 5 Arts, we learned how to sing “Row, Row, Row Your Boat,” otherwise known as “Low, Low, Low Yo Baht.” And we did it…dun dun duuuun…as a round.

Well kind of.

I use the term learned loosely. Our round was a jumbled mess of “lowing Murray down tha stream.”
Here, wait. You need the full lyrics.

Grade 5 Version of “Row Your Boat
Low, low, low yo baht
Genly dow tha stream
Murray, Murray, Murray, Murray
Live is buhhh dream

You low that baht, Murray. You low.

After learning the song together in the previous class, I separated the students into 3 groups and had them practice the song within their groups. I showed them what a round should sound like. We practiced the round together, just them and me. Oh, the fun we had.

Then, I thought we would do the round in 3 groups. All together. As a class.

How naïve and unachievable that idea was.

I really should have gotten it on video. I don’t know what I was thinking.

Twenty-six 10 to 13 year-olds, stared delightedly at me as they butcher both the tune and pronunciation of a favorite childhood melody. Emphatically singing the wrong thing at varying speeds with unabashed vigor. They were having such a glorious time, that I didn’t even care that my eardrums were about to fall out of my skull and that I was probably pissing off the teacher in the classroom next to me.

By the end of class, though, a few willing learners were able to carry the tune, with a slightly panicked look on their face, as I sung over them.

 So, that’s a small accomplishment.

In the future, though, I think I’ll leave choir practice to the other teachers and stick with colored pencils and printer paper for Art class. (And also some other fun crafty things, thanks to a few packages from the fam. Thanks, guys.)

And here I am, hours later. Being serenaded by a small boy singing (shouting) at Murray to get down that stream as he lovingly tosses (pelts) rocks at a passing goat, unaware of the fact that I’m being a Peeping Tom about 3 meters away.

That sounds creepier than it was. I don’t know why I made it sound so creepy.

Anyway, although he will not become Andre Bocelli anytime soon, I’m enjoying his singing. It’s refreshing to be reminded that once and a while my students actually absorb the things I teach them.
Even if they don’t make sense and are totally pointless in life.

In other news, the kitchen construction is going at Africa speed. The bricks have been built, but we are waiting for Mr. Builder to drive out to our bush school. I am still aiming to have the kitchen finished by the end of November. Even if it kills me.

Happy days, everyone.

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